Rabu, 11 Februari 2009

Makasar Style Grilled Banana


Resep ini diposting buat Uci..., tapi yang lain boleh juga ikutan nyoba. Kalo misalnya gak nemu durian gak pake, juga gak masalah...

1 sisir pisang kepok yang tua, dikupas

250 gram gula merah, disisir tipis
100 ml air
5 mata durian matang, buang bijinya
1/4 sendok teh garam
1 lembar daun pandan

1. Pisang dikupas, dibakar di atas arang atau di panggangan (listrik, gas, dan lain-lain), setelah masak, ditekan melebar, panggang lagi supaya kering.
2. Buat Saus:
Rebus gula merah, air daun pandan sampai mendidih. Tambahkan garam dan durian. Rebus sampai kental.
3. Cara menghidangkan:
Pisang epek diiris-iris lebar 1 cm dan siram dengan sa

pisang epek (banana press)

Berbuka puasa di-sunnah-kan untuk menyantap hidangan yang manis terlebih dahulu. Nah, Untuk resep yang kedua dari Makassar ini tetap berbahan utamanya Pisang, tapi di-mix dengan saus manis yang sangat mengiurkan. Perlu diketahui bahwa Sulawesi Selatan adalah salah satu produsen pisang terbesar ditanah air kita. Jadi tak perlu dipertanyakan lagi kalau bz!lezat kali ini bertabur akan Pisang.

Nah, mari kita intip resepnya.



1 sisir pisang kepok tua yang masih keras, dikupas

Bahan Saus:

250 gram gula merah, disisir tipis
100 ml air
5 mata durian matang, buang bijinya
1/4 sendok teh garam
1 lembar daun pandan

Cara Membuat:

1. Bakar pisang diatas bara api sambil dibolak balik hingga harum dan matang
2. Rebus gula merah, air daun pandan sampai mendidih. Tambahkan garam dan durian. Rebus sampai kental.
3. Susun pisang di atas piring, siram saus sebelum disajikan. Akan lebih nikmat bila disajikan selagi panas.

Untuk 5 porsi.

Selamat mencoba!

oleh: ntan

semangkuk kopi dan keripik pisang coklat di suasana hujan

semangkuk kopi dan keripik pisang coklat di suasana hujan

kira-kira seperti itu kondisi saya saat ini,
berbagai kondisi berkecamuk di dalam kepala saya, hingga tulisan ini saya turunkan.

t; apa pentingnya keripik pisang
j; ada dua aspek yang terbesar yang lekat di keripik pisang ini,
1. karena pisang adalah makanan yang sehat, dari negri sendiri.
2. karena pisang itu adalah sebuah kunci untuk memajukan lampung, terutama
daerah panjang.

t; apakah anda lahir di panjang.
j; yup, saya lahir dan dibesarkan di kota tersebut... kota itu sangat jauh tertinggal dari kota manapun yang pernah saya kunjungi. Saya makan dan minum dari tanah kota itu, jatuh cinta dari kota tersebut, dan saya benar-benar mencintai kota panjang.

t; hubungannya dengan keripik pisang?
j; saya pulang setelah merantau keliling belahan bumi ini, saya kaget ternyata nggak banyak pembangunan di kota itu dan kota bandar lampung keseluruhan.
mereka tetap hidup di garis kemiskinan, ibu saya, kerabat-kerabat saya yang tidak bisa merantau tetap dalam kondisi miskin.
pisang. saya pikir salah satu buah yang melimpah di lampung, sayang kalo cuma dibuang dan diberikan ke gajah untuk makanan. saya pikir nilainya bisa ditingkatkan, dengan makanan yah keripik itu salah satunya.

t; apa yang anda pikirkan tentang bandar lampun sekarang?
j; saya sudah cape berfikir tentang kota itu, saya pikir banyak yang mesti dibenahi, kenapa provinsi lampung menjadi provinsi termiskin di indonesia?
kenapa uang tidak banyak beredar di sana? kenapa nggak banyak investor yang mau tanam uangnya di sana? padaha lampung itu strategis, dan tanahnya kaya, banyak hasil bumi di sana... saya nggak mau menyalahkan pemda lampung yang kurang becus atau apalah, mereka mungkin berusaha tapi belum berhasil...

t; apa harapan sekarang?
j; pembaharuan berfikir, segala kesukuan mesti di hapuskan, digantikan dengan kopetensi profesional. artinya... adat istiadat lampung mesti dijunjung tinggi, tapi kopetensi profesional mesti di galakan tanpa perlu melihat suku, ras, agama, dan bangsanya... asalkan bisa memajukan kota dan provinsi, why not?

t; maksud anda di lampung kesukuannya kuat?
j; begini, di lampung itu adat sangat kuat, toleransi beragama juga sangat bagus, teoleransi dengan pendatang juga baik, sangat baik malah dari propinsi yang pernah saya singgahi. cuma kedudukan di pemerintahan yang saya pikir tidak lagi bisa diserahkan berdasarkan kekerabatan. mesti dilihat kopetensi warga lampung. banyak teman yang sangat punya talenta dan bakat yang baik, akhirnya pergi meninggalkan lampung dan tak kembali, karena iklim bekerja yang masih terkotak-kotak karena kesukuan, onngo, ali marbun, bahkan santos yang sekarang di boston. mereka tidak mau kembali lagi ke lampung. karena tidak ada yang bisa dikerjakan ataupun bekerja memajukan lampung.

t;kalo anda ditunjuk sebagai gubernur lampung, apa yang akan dilakukan?
j; pertama saya akan buka keran pada pemilihan pejabat dan karyawan pemda, berdasarkan hanya kemampuan. kedua memberikan penghargaan kepada kapolda lampung, ketiga membuat aturan bahwa semua pabrik yang ada di lampung harus memberikan manfaat kepada warga sekitar pabrik tersebut- 40 % pegawainya harus lokal, keempat menarik pajak bagi mereka yang melewati lampung, membuat system penjualan hasil bumi yang tidak dimonopoli pengusaha, kita tau kebodohan memberikan ijin kepada tripanca atas monopoli kopi, dll. harus dipegang oleh badan koperasi, bahkan untuk penjualannya bila perlu pemerintah membentuk dinas khusus untuk memikirkan eksport dan mencari buyer di luar. terakhir mencoba melobby perusahaan industri di jakarta untuk mebuat pabrik-pabrik produksinya di lampung, mempermudah ijin mereka.

t;kebanyakan preman dari lampung?
j; saya melihat dimensi bahwa ada kemiskinan dan rendahnya jenjang pendidikan yang membuat premanisme tumbuh subur, saya tidak percaya bahwa mental penduduk setempat dan asli adalah preman.

t; kembali ke keripik pisang. apa visi dan misi?
j; saya yakin bila keripik pisang ini bisa merubah wajah lampung, dan panjang pada khususnya, saya bermimpi bahwa industri keripik ini bisa tumbuh subur di panjang, seperti kasongan jogya , atau ciamplas di bandung, tajur di bogor, saya yakin bila pasarnya bisa melebar sampe ke luar negri, panjang bisa tumbuh lagi seperti tahun 80, saat pelabuhan masih dibuka, banyak uang beredar di kota, banyak yang bisa dilakukan oleh orang-orang di sana, saya bermimpi kalo setiap rumah di panjang sibuk membuat industri pisang, tidak ada lagi penggangguran, premanisme, dll.

t; visinya?
j; membuka pasar di luar lampung, marketing online, dari mulut ke mulut, dls...

t; apa kendalanya?
j; merubah budaya kerja pengusaha keripik. masuk ke industri profesional yah harus profesional, ijin, kemasan, bbpom, bila perlu sertifikat of origin.

t; harapan dekat ini?
j; membeli mesin pemotongan keripik, membuka lapangan kerja di lampung, sambil meng-edukasi warga agar menjadi pengerajin keripik.

t; yang sudah dikerjakan sampe saat ini?
j; penjualan yang lumayan, summarecon., podomoro, prometama, bahkan kemarin kirim ke bandung, smr, malah ada yang minta dari jogya, product ini sudah sampe kuching malaysia loh...

t;ada lagi yang masu disampaikan?
j; saya berangan suatu saat nanti, bisa menyisihkan keuntungan dari penjualan keripik untuk donasi kepada pembangunan industri keripik ini bila jalan...

t; ada lagi?
j; ucapan terima kasih, kepada anda semua yang telah membeli keripik pisang ini, dan membantu memajukan petani di lampung. salam... banana cripsy!

Sabtu, 24 Januari 2009

Maklumat president of republic banana

Maklumat president of republic banana

Salam sejahtera ibu dan bapak yang saya kasihi.
Saya selalu president of banana republic pada kesempatan ini memberikan maklumat
Kepada masyarakatrepublik banana.
Seperti yang kita ketahui, bahwa Negara dan masyarakat kita sedang mengalami imbas dari krisis financial dunia. Segala macam sector mengalami keterpurukan , saham, perbankan, property. Kemiskinan dan penggangguran mulai terbit di sekitar kita.
Saya yakin bahwa bangsa kita dapat melewti kerisis panjang ini.
Kita harus tidak bergantung kepada industri luar negri, kita harus perbanyak ekspor guna meningkatkan devisa dan menimbulkan iklim yang sehat buat industri kecil di Negara kita.
Pisang merupakan kekayaan berlimpah di Negara kita, tanah yang luas dan iklim yang cocok untuk bertani pisang. Inilah kekayaan yang diberikan tuhan secara cuma-cuma bagi bangsa kita hendaknya kita maksimalkan, kita tingkatkan.
Kita perlu mendorong konsumsi pisang di negara kita, menjadi makanan style, fesyen, dan makanan sehari hari. Pisang selain rasanya enak, juga memberikan nilai gizi dan khabohidrat serta vitamin yang baik, serta memiliki tampilan yang baik pula.

Kita juga perlu untuk meningkatkan pisang sebagai makanan olahan, kue, pudding, keripik pisang sebagai makanan jangka panjang, yang artinya bisa dinikmati berbulan-bulan. Namun kita juga perlu untuk mengingkatkan terus dan terus, baik rasa maupun tekinik pengolahan, kesehatan dan pengepakan.
Mari kita tingkatkan industri pisang ini, yang tentu saja petani, pedagang pisang, serta penjual dan industri pisang olahan agar dapat manfaat yang sebesar-besarnya dari pisang ini, tumbuhan lokal Indonesia. Bersama anda saya bisa!

Akhir kata saya sebagai president of banana republic, mencangkan pisang sebagai makanan wajib rakyat dari republic banana ini, untuk semua lapisan masyarakat kita .Dan pada kesempatan ini saya mengucapkan gong xi fat chai bagi saudara-saudara kita yang merayakan imlek. Salam sejahtera bagi kita semua.

President of banana republic.


Bananaman Costume. 80's Cartoon Spoof Superhero - Bananaman Fancy Dress Costume.

bananaman costume


cara mati dengan pisang

kosmetik dari pisang

Sst, Pisang nggak hanya ok buat dimakan . Di beberapa negara bahkan pisang telah digunakan sebagai campuran kosmetik untuk mengatasi kulit wajah yang kering sekaligus menghilangkan noda. Caranya campur 50cc yoghurt putih , 2 sendok makan madu dan satu buah pisang yang dihancurkan hingga rata. Gunakan campuran ini sebagai masker wajah dan leher dan diamkan selama kurang lebih 10 menit. Lalu bilas dengan air dingin seperti biasa . Lakukan masker ini seminggu sekali buat menghilangkan noda di wajah.

Kerabu Kelopak Jantung


2 ulas bawang besar

7 biji cili padi

1 biji buah mangga muda

500 gm perut lembu

3 batang serai

5 biji limau kasturi

1/2 biji kelapa dijadikan kerisik

sedikit gula,

garam secukup rasa

kulit jantung pisang


1. Perut lembu dibersihkan, direbus kemudian dipotong memanjang kecil - kecil. Kelapa diparut dan digoreng untuk dijadikan kerisik.

2. Bawang merah, serai dan cili padi ditumbuk hingga halus.

3. Campurkan semua bahan yang ditumbuk dengan kerisik.

4. Tambahkan perut lembu.Perahkan limau nipis, tambahkan garam & gula.

5. Gaul hingga semua rata. Hidangkan atas kulit jantung pisang. Kemudian taburkan bawang besar dan cili merah hiris di atasnya sebagai hiasan.

makanan pisang khas sulawesi

Resep buat bikin es pisang ijo.
Bahan-Bahan :
40 gram tepung beras
1/2 sendok teh garam
300 ml air
100 ml air daun suji
3 tetes pewarna hijau atau pasta pandan
175 gram tepung beras
5 buah pisang raja yang tua
es serut dan sirup merah (cocopandan)
650 ml santan (bahan saus)
50 gram tepung terigu (bahan saus)
75 gram gula pasir (bahan saus)
1 lembar daun pandan (bahan saus)
1/4 sendok teh garam (bahan saus)

Cara Mengolah :
1. Aduk tepung beras, garam, air, air daun suji, pewarna hijau lalu rebus sambil diaduk sampai mendidih, angkat.
2. Tambahkan tepung beras, aduk rata lalu aduk lagi sampai kalis (tidak lengket). Tipiskan adonan, balutkan pada pisang hingga tertutup.
3. Kukus pisang selama 20 menit. Angkat dan sisihkan.
4. Rebus bahan saus sampai mendidih, angkat lalu dinginkan.
5. Potong-potong pisang hijau, tuangkan saus, es serut, dan sirup merah.


Resep : Es Pisang Ijo

Bahan :

6 buah Pisang raja besar (kukus dengan kulitnya)
150 gr Tepung beras
50 gr Tepung terigu
50 gr Tepung sagu tani
Garam secukupnya
80 gr Gula pasir
200 ml Santan kara + 225 air
Sirup cocopandan
Es serut
12 lembar daun pandan + 12 lembar daun suji, potong kecil-kecil, blender dengan 50 ml air, peras, ambil airnya

Saus :

200 ml Santan kara + 100 ml air
75 gr Gula pasir
½ sdm Tepung beras
2 lbr Daun pandan

Cara membuat :

  • Campur tepung beras, terigu, gula pasir, santan dan air daun suji. Kukus 15 menit. Angkat biarkan agak hangat.
  • Uleni adonan sampai tercampur rata.
  • Letakkan diatas plastic dan tipiskan dengan gilingan.
  • Kupas pisang dan bugkus dengan adonan kulit dan bentuk seperti pisang, kukus hingga matang.
  • Campur semua bahan saus, masak hingga mendidih.

palu butung

Es Palu Butung

Bahan :

50 gr tepung beras
600 cc santan dari 1 kelapa
2 daun pandan
75 gram gula
1/4 sdt vanili
1/4 sdt garam
8 pisang raja atau kepok, kukus, kupas potong-potong
sirup merah
es serut

Cara membuat :
- Cairkan tepung beras dengan sedikit santan.
- Didihkan santan (yang banyak itu) dengan daun pandan, gula, vanili, dan garam.
- Masukkan cairan tepung beras tadi dan aduk.
- Penyajian: campur pisang, bubur tepung beras, tambahkan sirup merah dan es.


Bahan :

10 buah pisang raja/kepok yang tua, dikukus lalu dikupas

es batu, diserut

sirup merah secukupnya

600 cc santan dari 1 butir kelapa

50 gr tepung beras

2 lembar daun pandan, dibelah dua lalu dibuat simpul

75 gr gula pasir

¼ sdt vanili

¼ sdt garam

Cara membuat :

Cairkan tepung beras dengan sebagian santan sampai larut

Sisa santan didihkan dengan gula pasir, daun pandan, vanili dan garam

Tuang tepung cair, aduk sampai matang dan kental, angkat.

Pisang yang sudah dikukus dan dikupas, dipotong-potong dan letakkan dalam mangkok.

Tuang bubur tepung beras lalu beri es batu serut dan sirup merah

Siap sajikan.

Khasiat Buah Pisang

Pisang ….. banyak keajaiban terdapat di dalamnya, mulai dari kandunganya sampai manfaatnya. Mulai dari rhizome yang dimilikinya sampai kulit pisang dapat kita ambil manfaatnya. Terdapat berbagai jenis pisang mulai dari pisang raja, pisang batu, pisang ambon, pisang kepok dan pisang lainnya dengan berbagai rasa dan fungsinya. Mereka juga memiliki ukuran yang berbeda-beda mulai dari yang berjari kecil sampai yang berukuran besar.

Pisang kuning bisa dimakan tanpa perlu memasaknya terlebih dahulu, sedangkan pisang raja hijau besar biasanya dimasak dengan cara dikukus, direbus, dibakar atau digoreng terlebih dahulu sebelum dimakan.

Seperti diketahui, semua bagian pisang memiliki banyak kegunaan. Buah pisang yang masak dikupas dan diiris, kemudian dikeringkan dan diawetkan, sedangkan buah yang masih hijau biasanya dicuci dengan air mendidih, dikupas, diiris, dijemur, ditumbuk dan diayak sampai berbentuk tepung seperti yang biasa dipakai untuk membuat roti dan bubur. Tepung pisang sangat baik untuk penyembuhan sejumlah penykit yang disebabkan gastrointestinal (radang usus/lambung), misalnya diare, disentri, dan pencernaan yang terganggu. Jantung pisang dari berbagai macam pisang dimasak dan dijadikan kari (ada yang pernah mencoba??), selain itu jantung pisang juga bisa dibuat menjadi tepung, oleh dukun digunakan sebagai asam semut (asam yang bisa menetralkan asam) untuk mengurangi rasa panas dalam perut serta menyembuhkan luka berdarah yang parah. Tunas pisang yang masih muda yang belum terbuka pada pusat batang bisa dimakan mentah atau dimasak terlebih dahulu. Daging buah yang belum matang dari beberapa jenis buah pisang bisa dipanggang sebagai pengganti kopi (berita bagus untuk pecandu kopi). Selain itu kadang-kadang abu/bubuk dari beberapa tanaman ini bisa dipakai sebagai pengganti garam. Ada juga pisang raja yang belum masak kadang-kadang ditumbuk untuk mentup kano yang bocor, getah pisang bisa dipakai untuk menyembuhkan gigitan ular atau kalajengking, sari daun dan pelepah bisa dipakai sebagai penangkal candu dan overdosis arsenic (As).
Kandungan Gizi Pisang

Manfaat pisang telah banyak kita ketahui, lalu…apa sebenarnya kandungan dari pisang???. Satu ulir dari pisang kuning itu ternyata mempunyai kandungan 11 mg kalsium, 35 mg fosfor, 1 mg zat besi, 503 mg potassium, 260 IU vitamin A, 1 mg niasin, dan 14 mg vitamin C. Pisang juga diberi anugerah mempunyai kandungan khrom yang berfungsi dalam _meta_bolisme karbohidrat dan lipid. Khrom bersama dengan insulin memudahkan masuknya glukosa ke dalam sel-sel. Kekurangan khrom dalam tubuh dapat menyebabkan gangguan toleransi glukosa.

Juice Pisang

Manfaat juice pisang pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh Jim Rose. Tn Rose ini adalah seorang tukang sirkus. Suatu kali Tn. Rose ini diminta oleh penontonnya untuk mempertontonkan kebolehannya dalam makan bola lampu, alhasil ketika itu ia makan 5 buah bola lampu dalam 1 hari itu. Tapi apa yang terjadi? Tn. Rose roboh saat menikmati istrihatnya, perutnya terluka. Kemudian Tn. Rose berusaha mencari solusi untuk menyembuhkan perutnya tersebut, ia melakukan banyak latihan serta makan dan minum 20 pisang dan juice pisang, hasilnya? Subhanallah…pecahan bola lampu tersebut bisa lancar melewati system pencernaan.

Menurut penelitian yang telah dilakukan, juice pisang bermanfaat untuk penyakit :

* Diverticulitis

Penyakit ini terjadi karena adanya radang pada kantong kecil dalam dinding usus. Kantong-kantong tersebut berisi material fecal yang menyebabkan rasa sakit pada dinding usus. Nah …karena pisang mengandung serat, lemak,dan minyak sehingga pisang dapat melindungi dinding usus, so…terjadilah penyembuhan.

* Radang lambung

Ketika jaringan mucosal pada perut terasa perih dan sakit, kita akan mengalami kesulitan pada waktu mencerna makanan, bahkan merasakan sakit yang luar biasa. Juice pisang akan melapisi, menyejukkan, dan menyembuhkan peradangan serius seperti halnya bahan-bahan antacid

* Panas dalam

Pada penyakit ini, juice pisang akan menetralkan refluks asam hidrokolik yang terasa di bagian belakang tenggorokan, selain itu juice pisang mebantu menekan bagian perut yang masuk ke rongga dada agar bisa kembali ke posisi semula. Sejauh ini, pencegahan rasa panas dalam perut bisa diperoleh dari beberapa mineral dalam pisang, khususnya potassium, yang bisa memperkuat LES (Lower Esophagael Sphincter) dengan cara meningkatkan kontraksi otot lebih sering.

Cara membuat juice pisang

Dalam membuat juice pisang harus punya aturan tersendiri karena klo tidak, juice yang enak, nikat dan bergizi tidak akan kita dapatkan. Sebaiknya membuat juice pisang hendaknya dicampur dengan bahan yang lain seperti 1-2 cangkir buah pir, papaya, jambu biji, atau mangga.

Juice ini merupakan cocktail yang sangat baik unuk pencernaan, bahkan bisa membantu menyembuhkan peradangan usus serius sekalipun.

Berikut ini cara membuat juice pisang :

“Masukkan setengah buah pisang segar (kupas terlebih dahulu), 1 cangkir jus mangga, dan 1 cangkir potongan es kecil-kecil ke dalam blender. Hidupkan dengan kecepatan tinggi selama 15-20 detik. Hasilnya anda akan mendapatkan juice yang lembut dan setengah manis. Hal penting yang perludiketahui : Jangan memberikan gula pada juice buah karena itu akan membuat terjadinya proses fermentasi dalam tubuh!!). Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat!!

(Literatur: * Heinerman John, Ensiklopedi Juice, 2005, Alih bahasa Hermes, Pustaka Delapratasa, * Almatsier Sunita, Prinsip Dasar Ilmu Gizi, 2004, ditulis oleh Widia bint_NasHir, Sumber Artikel: http://jilbab.or.id/content/view/608/36/)

Putu Mayang Pisang

Sabtu 24 Januari 2009 05:36
Yang Selalu Jadi Favorit

300 gr tepung beras
2 sdm gula pasir
1 sdt garam

100 gr tepung sagu
550 ml santan dari 1 btr kelapa
2 bh pisang tanduk, kukus, potong 1 x 1 x 1 cm
perwana makanana merah dan hijau
daun pisang untuk pembungkus

250 ml santan
150 gr gula merah
1 lbr daun pandan
½ sdt garam

Cara Membuat:
1. Masak tepung beras, gula, garam, dan santan sambil diaduk sampai kental.
2. Tambahkan tepung kanji, uleni sampai rata.
3. Bagi adonan menjadi 3 bagian. Masing-masing beri warna merah, hijau, satu bagian biarkan putih.
4. Masukkan adonan ke dalam cetakkan putu mayang, taruh di selembar daun pisang yang sudah diolesi minyak sambil ditekan.
5. Ambil sedikit adonan putu mayang yang sudah berbentuk mie, masukkan ke dalam cetakan cucing. Isi tengahnya dengan pisang kukus, tutup lagi dengan adonan putu mayang. Kukus 15 menit. Angkat, keluarkan kue dari cucing.
6. Buat kinca: rebus semua bahan, saring.

Untuk 8 orang

Tips: Pada saat mengukus putu mayang usahakan jangan terlalu lama, sebab kue akan cepat melebar dan penampilannya jadi tidak cantik.

Resep : Nuraini W

Pisang Goreng Susun

Selasa 27 Mei 2008 15:50

4 bh pisang tanduk matang, kupas, potong tipis-tipis
daun pisang
minyak untuk menggoreng

Adonan pencelup:
150 gr tepung terigu
25 gr tepung beras
1 sdt gula pasir
1/4 sdt garam
300 ml air
1 btr telur

Cara membuat:
1. Campur semua bahan adonan pencelup hingga rata dan halus, masukkan potongan pisang campur hingga rata.
2. Ambil selembar daun pisang bentuk bulat, susun pisang melingkar di atas daun pisang.
3. Goreng dalam minyak panas hingga kuning kecokelatan, angkat, tiriskan.

Untuk 20 buah

Pasar Rakyat 24 (Selai Kulit Pisang)

Unexpected Weather Collection 2009!

banana `til die

dari milis kenangan...

Nich An.. tak kasih resep juga..untuk persiapan buka puasa...

Manfaat Kulit Pisang

Di jaman yang serba sulit ini, kita sepertinya kudu/wajib
melakukan hal-hal yang kreatif untuk tetap dapat memperpanjang nafas hidup

Berikut ini adalah salah satu kiatnya.
Kulit pisang daripada dibuang sayang, mendingan dibuat makanan kecil sbb.

- Kulit pisang jenis apa saja
- Air kapur
- Jeruk nipis
- Tepung terigu 150 gram
- Tepung sagu 50 gram
- Telur ayam 1 butir
- Gula pasir.

Cara membuat:
1. Kulit pisang direndam dulu dalam air kapur semalaman setelah itu
2. Lalu ditetesi jeruk nipis biar wangi.
3. Campurkan tepung terigu, tepung sagu, gula dan telur, kocok sampai
4. Celupkan kulit pisang satu per satu ke dalam adonan, goreng hingga

Jika sudah matang, silakan dipandangi saja karena kalau dimakan, rasanya
tidak enak. Itung2 belajar masak bow !!.

hahaha... serius amat bacanya...

----- Original Message -----
From: Anna Widjajanti
To: sma1jbr88@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2008 11:14 AM


Bahan :
a.. 1 pak ato lebih agar-agar putih ato merah ato hijau tergantung selera
b.. 4 sendok makan gula pasir ato lebih tergantung selera
c.. 500 ml air ato biasanya maximum 900 ml sesuai petunjuk di kemasan untuk 1
pak agar-agar
d.. 1 kaleng susu kental manis
e.. minuman bersoda secukupnya
f.. air dingin secukupnya
Cara membuat:

a.. Rebus air, gula, dan agar-agar hingga mendidih. Masukkan dalam wadah-wadah
kecil ato besar, dinginkan.
b.. Setelah dingin, potong kotak-kotak. Aduk susu, minuman bersoda, dan air
dingin lalu sajikan dingin dengan potongan agar.

Asseeemmm.. keccuut, Vaaan.
Tapi kulit pisang tetap bermanfaat, ini beneran.
Bakul-bakul gorengan biasanya memanfaatkan kulit pisang untuk menyaring
dalam minyaknya setlah digunakan untuk menggoreng kali kesekian.
Caranya dengan menggoreng untuk beberapa saat kulit pisang tersebut sampai
sekiranya kotoran-2 sudah melekat ke kulit pisang tersebut.


Pisangnya mas!

Dari Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas.

(Dilencongkan dari Pisang Mas)
Lompat ke: pandu arah, gelintar
Pisang Mas atau juga dikenali sebagai pisang Emas.

Pisang Mas merupakan sejenis pisang yang dituai dari pokok Pisang. Pisang Mas biasanya ditanam bagi mendapatkan buahnya. Nama sains pokok Pisang Mas ialah Musa acuminata Colla (AA Group) cv. 'Lady's Finger'

Ia juga dikenali sebagai Musa acuminata Colla (AA Group) cv. 'Sucrier', Musa acuminata Colla (Sucrier Group) cv. 'Lady's Finger', Musa x paradisiaca L. cv. 'Lady Finger', Musa x paradisiaca L. cultigroup Sucrier cv. 'Doigt de Femme', Musa x paradisiaca L. cultigroup Saccharinus cv. 'Lady's Finger', Musa x paradisiaca L. cultigroup Saccharinus cv. 'Dedo de Dama', Musa acuminata Colla non L. (Sucrier Group) cv. 'Datil', Musa acuminata Colla non L. (Sucrier Group) cv. 'Niño', Musa acuminata Colla non L. (Sucrier Group) cv. 'Bocadillo' [1]

Buah pisang Mas ini biasanya dimakan begitu sahaja.

Cara Memilih Pisang yang Baik

Berdasarkan cara mengkonsumsinya pisang dapat dikelompokkan dalam dua golongan yaitu banana dan plantain. Banana adalah pisang yang lebih sering dikonsumsi dalam bentuk segar setelah buah matang seperti pisang ambon, susu, raja, seribu dan sunripe. Sedangkan plantain adalah pisang yang dikonsumsi setelah diolah seperti pisang kepok, siam, kapas, tanduk dan uli.

Pisang mempunyai kandungan gizi sangat baik dan juga kaya akan mineral seperti kalium, magnesium, fosfor, besi dan kalsium. Vitamin yang terdapat dalam pisang di antaranya vitamin C, B kompleks, B6 dan serotonin yang aktif sebagai neurotransmitter dalam memperlancar fungsi otak.

Nilai energi pisang sekitar 136 kalori untuk setiap 100 gram yang secara keseluruhan berasal dari karbohidrat. Yang menyediakan energi sedikit lebih lambat dibandingkan dengan gula pasir dan sirup tetapi lebih cepat dari nasi, biskuit, dan sejenis roti. Kandungan energinya sangat instan atau mudah tersedia dalam waktu singkat. Sehingga bermanfaat dalam menyediakan kebutuhan kalori sesaat.

Rasanya yang manis khas gula buah yang terdiri dari fruktosa dan mempunyai indeks glikemik lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan glukosa. Ini cukup baik sebagai penyimpan energi karena sedikit lebih lambat di metabolisme.

Mengantuk setelah bekerja keras dan berfikir merupakan salah satu tanda bahwa energi otak telah berkurang sehingga aktifitas fisik pun jadi menurun. Untuk melakukan aktivitas kembali, otak memerlukan energi berupa glukosa. Glukosa darah inilah yang sangat vital bagi otak karena akan merangsang kemampuan daya ingat.

Glukosa tersebut terutama diperoleh dari sirkulasi darah otak. Tapi glikogen sebagai cadangan glukosa sangat terbatas keberadaannya. Glukosa darah didapat dari asupan makanan sumber karbohidrat dan karbohidrat pisang ini bisa menjadi alternatif terbaik untuk menyediakan energi pada waktu otak sangat membutuhkan energi yang cepat.

Kandungan vitamin B6 pisang cukup tinggi sebesar 0,5 mg per 100 gram yang berfungsi sebagai koenzim untuk beberapa reaksi dalam metabolisme. Vitamin ini juga berperan dalam sintetis dan metabolisme protein, khususnya serotonin yang berperan aktif sebagai neurotransmitter dalam kelancaran fungsi otak.

Sebaiknya anda memilih pisang yang sudah tua tetapi segar dan sisi kulit penuh serta bentuknya tidak pipih. Jangan memilih pisang yang kulitnya ada bintik hitam atau coklat. Simpanlah dalam lemari es dengan suhu 13,3 derajat C dan kelembapan 85-90%. Jangan biarkan kulit buah tergores karena akan memacu kerusakan lebih cepat. Bila ingin menyimpan pisang yang tak segera dimakan, pilih pisang yang tak terlalu matang untuk menghindari pisang busuk.

Kenapa Kita Mengonsumsi Pisang??

Berbagai Manfaat Pisang

1. Sumber Kekuatan Tenaga
Buah pisang dengan mudah dapat dicerna, gula yang terdapat di buah tersebut diubah menjadi sumber tenaga yang bagus secara cepat, dan itu bagus dalam pembentukan tubuh, untuk kerja otot, dan sangat bagus untuk menghilangkan rasa lelah.

2. Manfaat untuk Ibu Hamil
Pisang juga disarankan untuk dikonsumsi para wanita hamil karena mengandung asam folat, yang mudah diserap janin melalui rahim. Namun, jangan terlalu berlebihan, sebab satu buah pisang mengandung sekitar 85-100 kalori.

3. Manfaat bagi Penderita Anemia
Dua buah pisang yang dimakan oleh pasien anemia setiap hari sudah cukup, karena mengandung Fe (zat besi) tinggi.

4. Manfaat bagi Penyakit Usus dan Perut
Pisang yang dicampur susu cair (atau dimasukkan dalam segelas susu cair)dapat dihidangkan sebagai obat dalam kasus penyakit usus. Juga dapat direkomendasikan untuk pasien sakit perut dan cholik untuk menetralkan keasaman lambung.

5. Sebuah pisang dihidangkan sebagai pertahanan terhadap inflamasi karena Vitamin C dapat secara cepat diproses. Ia mentransformasikan bacillus berbahaya menjadi bacillus yang bersahabat. Dengan demikian, keduanya akan tertolong.

Pure pisang ataupun krim pisang (seperti untuk makanan bayi), dapat dikonsumsi oleh pasien yang menderita diare.

6. Manfaat bagi Penderita Lever
Penderita penyakit lever bagus mengonsumsi pisang dua buah ditambah satu sendok madu, akan menambah nafsu makan dan membuat kuat.

7. Manfaat bagi Luka Bakar
Daun pisang dapat digunakan untuk pengobatan kulit yang terbakar dengan cara dioles, campuran abu daun pisang ditambah minyak kelapa mempunyai pengaruh mendinginkan kulit.

8. Manfaat bagi Diabetes
Pada masyarakat Gorontalo (Sulawesi Utara), jenis pisang goroho yakni pisang khas daerah setempat, merupakan makanan tambahan/pokok bagi orang yang menderita penyakit gula/diabetes melitus, terutama buah pisang goroho yang belum matang, kemudian dikukus dan dicampur kelapa parut muda.

9. Pisang dan Kecantikan
Bubur pisang dicampur dengan sedikit susu dan madu, dioleskan pada wajah setiap hari secara teratur selama 30-40 menit. Basuh dengan air hangat kemudian bilas dengan air dingin atau es, diulang selama 15 hari, akan menghasilkan pengaruh yang menakjubkan pada kulit.

10. Pisang untuk Mengatur Bobot Badan
Pisang juga mempunyai peranan dalam penurunan berat badan seperti juga untuk menaikkan berat badan. Telah terbukti seseorang kehilangan berat badan dengan berdiet 4 (empat) buah pisang dan 4 (empat) gelas susu non fat atau susu cair per hari sedikitnya 3 hari dalam seminggu, jumlah kalori hanya 1250 dan menu tersebut cukup menyehatkan.

Khasiat Lainnya
Dalam “Medicinal Uses of Bananas” (www.banana.com, 2002) menyebutkan, bahwa pisang mempunyai manfaat dalam penyembuhan anemia, menurunkan tekanan darah, tenaga untuk berpikir, kaya serat untuk membantu diet, kulit pisang dapat digunakan sebagai cream anti nyamuk, membantu sistem syaraf, dapat membantu perokok untuk menghilangkan pengaruh nikotin, stres, mencegah stroke, mengontrol temperatur badan terutama bagi ibu hamil, menetralkan keasaman lambung, dan sebagainya.

Tanaman pisang secara genetis dapat menghasilkan vaksin yang murah dan sebagai alternatif untuk pertahanan anak dari serangan penyakit. Para peneliti sedang mencoba dari pisang untuk memproduksi antigen untuk coating Virus Hepatitis B. Apabila vaksin Hepatitis B tersebut berhasil akan menjadi sangat murah.

Peneliti lain mengembangkan pisang yang dapat membantu dalam melawan penyakit campak/cacar air, penyakit kuning, polio, dan dipteri. Saat ini, peneliti telah mencoba pada relawan, di mana diperlihatkan 10 persen tekanan darah turun dengan mengonsumsi dua buah pisang setiap hari.

Kandungan Gizi

Kandungan gizi yang terdapat dalam setiap buah pisang matang adalah sebagai berikut: kalori 99 kalori, protein 1,2 gram, lemak 0,2 gram, karbohidrat 25,8 miligram (mg), serat 0,7 gram, kalsium 8 mg, fosfor 28 mg, besi 0,5 mg, vitamin A 44 RE, Vitamin B 0,08 mg, Vitamin C 3 mg dan air 72 gram.

Pisang juga mempunyai kandungan khrom yang berfungsi dalam metabolisme karbohidrat dan lipid. Khrom bersama dengan insulin memudahkan masuknya glukosa ke dalam sel-sel

too many bananas

Sat, Dec-14-02, 20:58
I am a type 2 diabetic (diagnosed 1 week ago). I love bananas.
I probably eat 4-5 a day. Is that too much?? And is all fruit
and vegetables in produce acceptable or should I watch any one
of these in particular.

Mr. Perry
Sat, Dec-14-02, 20:58
April wrote:

> I am a type 2 diabetic (diagnosed 1 week ago). I love
> bananas. I probably eat 4-5 a day. Is that too much?? And is
> all fruit and vegetables in produce acceptable or should I
> watch any one of these in particular.

Yes it is unless that is the only thing you are eating and
you are eating only a small banana or a half of an average
sized banana at a time and then waiting a couple hours before
the next one.

That is the short answer.

Look up bananas and find out how many carbs they have bearing
in mind they are a very fast acting carb. Go to:

Sat, Dec-14-02, 20:58
>I am a type 2 diabetic (diagnosed 1 week ago). I love
>bananas. I probably eat 4-5 a day. Is that too much?? And is
>all fruit and vegetables in produce acceptable or should I
>watch any one of these in particular.

Well....it's probably too much. You need to test at one and
two hours after eating one to see how much it raises your bg.
At first, I sure couldn't eat even a whole banana, now I'm
doing better and could probably eat a couple. Test, test,
test. I try to keep my bg under 120 at all times. What's your
bg goal? Do you take diabetes meds?

Wendy Peace and Carrots Farm Vermont

Sat, Dec-14-02, 20:58
"April" wrote in message
> I am a type 2 diabetic (diagnosed 1 week ago). I love
> bananas. I probably eat 4-5 a day. Is that too much?? And is
> all fruit and vegetables in
> acceptable or should I watch any one of these in particular.

What does your meter tell you?

Best wishes Louise

Type 2, controlling by diet and exercise

Sat, Dec-14-02, 20:58

You're brand new to this world... and it's a very
legitimate question.

As a matter of fact the whole food area is the biggest
question we diabetics have!

I like bananas too, but sadly, I've found that as a
diabetic, I can't really eat them the way I used to. Now I
can eat a half a banana occasionally. How do I know that? My
meter told me.

Here's the advice I give all newbies... It should help you get
a handle on the food questions:

There is so much to absorb... you don't have to rush into
anything. Begin by using your best weapon in this war, your
meter. You won't keel over today, you have time to experiment,
test, learn, test and figure out just how your body and this
disease are getting along. The most important thing you can do
to learn about yourself and diabetes is test test test.

The single biggest question a diabetic has to answer is:

What do I eat?

Unfortunately, the answer is pretty confusing.

What confounds us all is the fact that different diabetics
can get great results on wildly different food plans. Some of
us here achieve great blood glucose control eating a high
complex carbohydrate diet. Others find that anything over 75
- 100g of carbs a day is too much. Still others are somewhere
in between.

At the beginning all of us felt frustrated. We wanted to be
handed THE way to eat, to ensure our continued health. But we
all learned that there is no one way. Each of us had to find
our own path, using the experience of those that went before,
but still having to discover for ourselves how OUR bodies and
this disease were coexisting.

Ask questions, but remember each of us discovered on our own
what works best for us. You can use our experiences as jumping
off points, but eventually you'll work up a successful plan
that is yours alone.

What you are looking to discover is how different foods
affect you. As I'm sure you've read, carbohydrates (sugars,
wheat, rice... the things our Grandmas called "starches")
raise blood sugars the most rapidly. Protein and fat do raise
them, but not as high and much more slowly... so if you're a
T2, generally the insulin your body still makes may take care
of the rise.

You might want to try some experiments.

First: Eat whatever you've been currently eating... but write
it all down. Test yourself at the following times:

Upon waking (fasting) 1 hour after each meal 2 hours after
each meal At bedtime

That means 8 x each day. What you will discover by this is
how long after a meal your highest reading comes... and how
fast you return to "normal". Also, you may see that a meal
that included bread, fruit or other carbs gives you a
higher reading.

Then for the next few days, try to curb your carbs. Eliminate
breads, cereals, rices, beans, any wheat products, potato,
corn, fruit... get all your carbs from veggies. Test at the
same schedule above.

If you try this for a few days, you may find some pretty damn
good readings. It's worth a few days to discover.

Eventually you can slowly add back carbs until you see them
affecting your meter.

The thing about this disease... though we share much in common
and we need to follow certain guidelines... in the end, each
of our bodies dictate our treatment and our success.

The closer we get to non-diabetic numbers, the greater chance
we have of avoiding horrible complications. The key here is
AIM... I know that everyone is at a different point in their
disease... and it is progressive. But, if we aim for the best
numbers and do our best, we give ourselves the best shot at
heath we've got. That's all we can do.

Here's my opinion on what numbers to aim for, they are
non-diabetic numbers.

FBG under 110 One hour after meals under 140 Two hours after
meals under 120

or for those in the mmol parts of the world:

Fasting Under 6 One hour after meals Under 8 Two hours after
meals Under 6.5

Recent studies have indicated that the most important numbers
are your "after meal" numbers. They may be the most indicative
of future complications, especially heart problems.

Listen to your doctor, but you are the leader of your diabetic
care team. While his /her advice is learned, it is not
absolute. You will end up knowing much more about your body
and how it's handling diabetes than your doctor will. Your
meter is your best weapon.

Just remember, we're not in a race or a competition with
anyone but ourselves... Play around with your food plan...
TEST TEST TEST. Learn what foods cause spikes, what foods
cause cravings... Use your body as a science experiment.

You'll read about a lot of different ways people use to
control their diabetes... Many are diametrically opposed.
After awhile you'll learn that there is no one size fits all
around here. Take some time to experiment and you'll soon
discover the plan that works for you.

Best of luck!


April wrote:
> I am a type 2 diabetic (diagnosed 1 week ago). I love
> bananas. I probably eat 4-5 a day. Is that too much?? And is
> all fruit and vegetables in produce acceptable or should I
> watch any one of these in particular.

Sat, Dec-14-02, 20:58
According to my references, the Glycemic Index of banana is
48-54 (reference glucose).

In comparison:

Cherries 22 Dried dates 103 Grapefruit 25 Grapes 43 Kiwi 53
Oranges 32

So, take it easy on the bananas! You may slow carb processing
by adding fat, and fried bananas are great!

Julie Bove
Sat, Dec-14-02, 23:56
"April" wrote in message
> I am a type 2 diabetic (diagnosed 1 week ago). I love
> bananas. I probably eat 4-5 a day. Is that too much?? And is
> all fruit and vegetables in
> acceptable or should I watch any one of these in particular.

Probably too much unless perhaps that is your only source of
carbs. What does your meter say? Many diabetics find that they
can't eat bananas. Also, a serving of banana for a diabetic is
1/2 of an 8" banana.

Fruits and vegetables are not all alike to diabetics. Most
fruits are high in carbs and it is carbs that raise our BG the
most. The ones that are lower in carbs are usually so tart or
sour that they need sweetener. Like cranberries or rhubarb.
Many of us either eliminate fruits or eat them sparingly.

Not all vegetables are alike either. Some are low in carbs,
like tomatoes, carrots, onions, lettuce, green beans and
broccoli. Others are high in carbs, like peas, dried beans,
corn and potatoes.

For a diabetic, all carbs must be accounted for. So the
obvious sources of them are the ones we must watch the most.
Even though green beans are not high in carbs, they are not a
food I can eat in unlimited quantities. Why? Because if I do,
my BG will be too high.

Have you seen a dietician? If not, you should. He or she will
explain the different foods to you and will probably give you
examples of portion size. But more important, is what your
meter tells you. Some people find they can't eat potatoes
because they spike their BG. I have no problem with them at
all, so long as I do not eat more than 3 servings at a meal.
We're all different and different foods affect us differently.

Type 2 http://users.bestweb.net/~jbove/ Julie Bove, posting
from new account

Sat, Dec-14-02, 23:56
wrote in message
> According to my references, the Glycemic Index of banana
> is 48-54
> glucose).
> In comparison:
> Cherries 22 Dried dates 103 Grapefruit 25 Grapes 43 Kiwi 53
> Oranges 32
> So, take it easy on the bananas! You may slow carb
> processing by adding
fat, and
> fried bananas are great!

And this is one of the things I don't quite get. A
glucose-referenced GI of 54 is actually *low* 70+ is high,
56-69 is moderate and 55 or under is low. Sure, bananas are
high compared to many other fruits, but they are a lot lower
than other foods that have much less nutritional value. Both
my endo and my dietician put bananas in the "good" list.

One of the things you will learn is that something works for
other diabetics won't necessarily work for you. Some of us do
very well on a "normal" diet. Others need only look at a
potato for their glucose levels to go critical. Use your meter
to find out which foods work for you. I'm betting that there
are other things in your pre-diagnosis diet that are much more
problematic than bananas.

Cheers, John Carney.

Quentin Gr
Sun, Dec-15-02, 06:56
This post not CC'd by email On Sun, 15 Dec 2002 16:26:34
+1100, "Mirzabah" wrote:

> wrote in message
>> According to my references, the Glycemic Index of banana
>> is 48-54
>> glucose).
>> In comparison:
>> Cherries 22 Dried dates 103 Grapefruit 25 Grapes 43 Kiwi 53
>> Oranges 32
>> So, take it easy on the bananas! You may slow carb
>> processing by adding
>fat, and
>> fried bananas are great!
>And this is one of the things I don't quite get. A
>glucose-referenced GI of 54 is actually *low* 70+ is high,
>56-69 is moderate and 55 or under is low. Sure, bananas are
>high compared to many other fruits, but they are a lot lower
>than other foods that have much less nutritional value. Both
>my endo and my dietician put bananas in the "good" list.

G'day G'day John,

Yes it is tempting to look only at the GI and wonder why
bananas tend to spike.

If we take a large bananas it would supply 32 grams of carb.
With a GI of say 50 that would mean one large banana supplies
16 grams of glucose to the blood. What this does to your blood
glucose levels depends on how much blood you have and how fast
you are removing glucose from your blood. Put simply one large
banana it like being an IV push of 16 grams of glucose.

If one takes a large orange it would supply 22 grams of carb.
With a GI of 32 we get the equivalent of an IV push of 7
grams of glucose. Even though the large orange is bigger than
the large banana we get LESS than half the glucose in our
blood stream.

>One of the things you will learn is that something works for
>other diabetics won't necessarily work for you. Some of us do
>very well on a "normal" diet. Others need only look at a
>potato for their glucose levels to go critical.

Right on.

>Use your meter to find out which foods work for you.

Welcome to ASD philosophy 101, in case you hadn't
guessed by now.

>I'm betting that there are other things in your pre-diagnosis
>diet that are much more problematic than bananas.

IMHO an astute observation well worth the making.

Let's try white bread, low fat. One slice supplies 21 grams of
carb. GI = 70. Gives an IV glucose push of about 15 grams.

Let's try some pita bread. One slice 33 grams. GI = 57. IV
glucose push of about 19 grams.

One slice rye bread, 15 grams carb. GI = 62. IV glucose push
of about 9 grams.

There are other breads with lower GI which give less
glucose push.

One baked potato, 33 grams carb. GI = 93 IV glucose push = 31
grams. Ouch.

>Cheers, John Carney.

Quentin Grady ^ ^ / New Zealand, >#,#< [ / \ /\ "... and the
blind dog was leading."


Sun, Dec-15-02, 13:57
Thanks alot Jennifer and to all for your opinions. Guess I
better visit a dietician.

"Jennifer" wrote in message
> April...
> You're brand new to this world... and it's a very legitimate
> question.
> As a matter of fact the whole food area is the biggest
> question we diabetics have!
> I like bananas too, but sadly, I've found that as a
> diabetic, I can't really eat them the way I used to. Now I
> can eat a half a banana occasionally. How do I know that? My
> meter told me.
> Here's the advice I give all newbies... It should help you
> get a handle on the food questions:
> There is so much to absorb... you don't have to rush into
> anything. Begin by using your best weapon in this war, your
> meter. You won't keel over today, you have time to
> experiment, test, learn, test and figure out just how your
> body and this disease are getting along. The most important
> thing you can do to learn about yourself and diabetes is
> test test test.
> The single biggest question a diabetic has to answer is:
> What do I eat?
> Unfortunately, the answer is pretty confusing.
> What confounds us all is the fact that different diabetics
> can get great results on wildly different food plans. Some
> of us here achieve great blood glucose control eating a high
> complex carbohydrate diet. Others find that anything over 75
> - 100g of carbs a day is too much. Still others are
> somewhere in between.
> At the beginning all of us felt frustrated. We wanted to be
> handed THE way to eat, to ensure our continued health. But
> we all learned that there is no one way. Each of us had to
> find our own path, using the experience of those that went
> before, but still having to discover for ourselves how OUR
> bodies and this disease were coexisting.
> Ask questions, but remember each of us discovered on our own
> what works
> for us. You can use our experiences as jumping off points,
> but eventually you'll work up a successful plan that is
> yours alone.
> What you are looking to discover is how different foods
> affect you. As
> sure you've read, carbohydrates (sugars, wheat, rice... the
> things our Grandmas called "starches") raise blood sugars
> the most rapidly. Protein and fat do raise them, but not as
> high and much more slowly... so if
> a T2, generally the insulin your body still makes may take
> care of the
> You might want to try some experiments.
> First: Eat whatever you've been currently eating... but
> write it all down. Test yourself at the following times:
> Upon waking (fasting) 1 hour after each meal 2 hours after
> each meal At bedtime
> That means 8 x each day. What you will discover by this is
> how long after a meal your highest reading comes... and how
> fast you return to "normal". Also, you may see that a meal
> that included bread, fruit or other carbs gives you a higher
> reading.
> Then for the next few days, try to curb your carbs.
> Eliminate breads, cereals, rices, beans, any wheat products,
> potato, corn, fruit... get all your carbs from veggies. Test
> at the same schedule above.
> If you try this for a few days, you may find some pretty
> damn good readings. It's worth a few days to discover.
> Eventually you can slowly add back carbs until you see them
> affecting your meter.
> The thing about this disease... though we share much in
> common and we need to follow certain guidelines... in the
> end, each of our bodies dictate our treatment and our
> success.
> The closer we get to non-diabetic numbers, the greater
> chance we have of avoiding horrible complications. The key
> here is AIM... I know that everyone is at a different point
> in their disease... and it is
> But, if we aim for the best numbers and do our best, we
> give ourselves the best shot at heath we've got. That's all
> we can do.
> Here's my opinion on what numbers to aim for, they are
> non-diabetic
> FBG under 110 One hour after meals under 140 Two hours after
> meals under 120
> or for those in the mmol parts of the world:
> Fasting Under 6 One hour after meals Under 8 Two hours after
> meals Under 6.5
> Recent studies have indicated that the most important
> numbers are your "after meal" numbers. They may be the most
> indicative of future complications, especially heart
> problems.
> Listen to your doctor, but you are the leader of your
> diabetic care team. While his /her advice is learned, it is
> not absolute. You will end up knowing much more about your
> body and how it's handling diabetes than your doctor will.
> Your meter is your best weapon.
> Just remember, we're not in a race or a competition with
> anyone but ourselves... Play around with your food plan...
> foods cause spikes, what foods cause cravings... Use your
> body as a
> experiment.
> You'll read about a lot of different ways people use to
> control their diabetes... Many are diametrically opposed.
> After awhile you'll learn that there is no one size fits all
> around here. Take some time to experiment and you'll soon
> discover the plan that works for you.
> Best of luck!
> Jennifer
> April wrote:
> > I am a type 2 diabetic (diagnosed 1 week ago). I love
> > bananas. I
> > eat 4-5 a day. Is that too much?? And is all fruit and
> > vegetables in
> > acceptable or should I watch any one of these in
> > particular.
> >

Irv Finkle
Sun, Dec-15-02, 13:57
Quentin Grady wrote:

> Yes it is tempting to look only at the GI and wonder why
> bananas tend to spike.
> If we take .....

Quentin! Thanks for this marvellous explanation of how the GI
works (with calculations). Until now I have just looked at the
GI, then the carb count, and dismissed many foods from my diet
that I now see could be safely handled. You have opened up a
whole new repertoire to my diet! Thanks a Million!
Diagnosed Type II Diabetes March 5 2001 Beating it with diet
and exercise!
297/215/210 (to be revised lower) 58"/43"(!)/44" (already
lower too!)
Visit my FINALLY UPDATED website at
Irv Finkleman, Grampa/Ex-Navy/Old Fart/Ham Radio VE6BP
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Quentin Gr
Sun, Dec-15-02, 20:59
This post not CC'd by email On Sun, 15 Dec 2002 17:19:17 GMT,
Irv Finkleman wrote:

>Quentin Grady wrote:
>> Yes it is tempting to look only at the GI and wonder why
>> bananas tend to spike.
>> If we take .....
>Quentin! Thanks for this marvellous explanation of how the GI
>works (with calculations). Until now I have just looked at
>the GI, then the carb count, and dismissed many foods from my
>diet that I now see could be safely handled. You have opened
>up a whole new repertoire to my diet! Thanks a Million!

G'day G'day Irv,

From a teaching strategy point of view this is most
interesting. You understood the pattern from my examples ...
yet I didn't provide a formula. Formulas look like math and
I guess that scares a lot of people. Whatever ... I'm
delighted that I have shown you a way to safely increase the
range of food you eat.

BTW someone has done all the hard graft for you. Rick Mendosa
has a site that does just that. He calculates glycemic LOAD.
This is gives the equivalent IV push of glucose into your
blood of a serving of many, many foods. To make the downloads
much more rapid he has them in zip format.


Some sites are fabulously helpful. This is one of them and it
is entirely free.

Best wishes,
Quentin Grady ^ ^ / New Zealand, >#,#< [ / \ /\ "... and the
blind dog was leading."


Wendy Bake
Mon, Dec-16-02, 20:59
Mirzabah wrote:

: wrote in message
: news:3DFBEBAD.70710C00@introtech.com...
:> According to my references, the Glycemic Index of banana
:> is 48-54
: (reference
:> glucose).
:> In comparison:
:> Cherries 22 Dried dates 103 Grapefruit 25 Grapes 43 Kiwi 53
:> Oranges 32
:> So, take it easy on the bananas! You may slow carb
:> processing by adding
: fat, and
:> fried bananas are great!

: And this is one of the things I don't quite get. A
: glucose-referenced GI of 54 is actually *low* 70+ is high,
: 56-69 is moderate and 55 or under is low. Sure, bananas are
: high compared to many other fruits, but they are a lot lower
: than other foods that have much less nutritional value. Both
: my endo and my dietician put bananas in the "good" list.

: One of the things you will learn is that something works for
: other diabetics won't necessarily work for you. Some of us
: do very well on a "normal" diet. Others need only look at a
: potato for their glucose levels to go critical. Use your
: meter to find out which foods work for you. I'm betting that
: there are other things in your pre-diagnosis diet that are
: much more problematic than bananas.

: Cheers, John Carney.

When I saw that 1/2 a banana or 1 orange or one modest apple,
or 1 1/2C strawberries, or 3/4C blueberries, etc all were the
sme in carbohydrates, I dropped the bananas from my diet. I ws
looking for the biggest bang for my carbohydrate buck. This is
a personal matter, but just be aware of teh choices.

Wendy Baker

Wed, Dec-18-02, 21:00
Mirzabah wrote:
> wrote in message
> news:3DFBEBAD.70710C00@introtech.com...
> > According to my references, the Glycemic Index of banana
> > is 48-54
> (reference
> > glucose).
> >
> > In comparison:
> >
> > Cherries 22 Dried dates 103 Grapefruit 25 Grapes 43 Kiwi
> > 53 Oranges 32
> >
> > So, take it easy on the bananas! You may slow carb
> > processing by adding
> fat, and
> > fried bananas are great!
> And this is one of the things I don't quite get. A
> glucose-referenced GI of 54 is actually *low* 70+ is high,
> 56-69 is moderate and 55 or under is low. Sure, bananas are
> high compared to many other fruits, but they are a lot lower
> than other foods that have much less nutritional value. Both
> my endo and my dietician put bananas in the "good" list.

A little different situation for me, but the same conclusions.

Perhaps 'things' have changed in the last few years. My
internist has said the same thing for five years. I was one of
his first patients after he graduated Harvard Med School and
specialized in nutrition at UCLA. He is board certified by the
American Board of Nutrition, and if he has any questions, he
can ask his wife . She's a registered

> One of the things you will learn is that something works for
> other diabetics won't necessarily work for you. Some of us
> do very well on a "normal" diet. Others need only look at a
> potato for their glucose levels to go critical. Use your
> meter to find out which foods work for you. I'm betting that
> there are other things in your pre-diagnosis diet that are
> much more problematic than bananas.

IMHO, you're 100% on-target here. Some of us, when we were
newbies, may have already developed some kidney
'insufficiencies' (for me, excess protein in urine) before we
were diagnosed and/or started reading here. So a high protein,
low carb meal-plan, without any qualifications, would
certainly not have been the way to go. Just a well balanced
meal-plan, a1c every three months, some meds, and some home
finger pricks just to check that all important matter, as you
stated...., of me.

Sleep/eat well Norm Type2

To email replace nospam with rr

Wed, Dec-18-02, 21:00
Mirzabah wrote:
> wrote in message
> news:3DFBEBAD.70710C00@introtech.com...
> > According to my references, the Glycemic Index of banana
> > is 48-54
> (reference
> > glucose).
> >
> > In comparison:
> >
> > Cherries 22 Dried dates 103 Grapefruit 25 Grapes 43 Kiwi
> > 53 Oranges 32
> >
> > So, take it easy on the bananas! You may slow carb
> > processing by adding
> fat, and
> > fried bananas are great!
> And this is one of the things I don't quite get. A
> glucose-referenced GI of 54 is actually *low* 70+ is high,
> 56-69 is moderate and 55 or under is low. Sure, bananas are
> high compared to many other fruits, but they are a lot lower
> than other foods that have much less nutritional value. Both
> my endo and my dietician put bananas in the "good" list.

Another example of what you are saying: I once told my
internist (Diplomate American Board of Nutrition) that I was
eating Wheaties instead of Shredded Wheat because the latter
has many more carbs. He said I should be eating Shredded Wheat
because, IN THIS CASE, the source of the carbs is more
important, __FOR ME__. Any ideas on what he meant by "source"?
Or even if he was BSing me because he was overbooked and
didn't have enough time.

And ^^^^^^^^ (drum roll) the regulars from over two years ago
will remember this (they blew me right out of this NG, which
was easy to do since I developed sleep apnea at that time
). The same internist also told me that because of the
quality, balanced nutrition provided by liquid Slim-Fast,
__I__ could use one for __my__ lunches, if I chose to do so.

John - Am I understanding you correctly? Is this along the
lines of what you are trying to say? Or is it too extreme
for you ?

> One of the things you will learn is that something works for
> other diabetics won't necessarily work for you. Some of us
> do very well on a "normal" diet. Others need only look at a
> potato for their glucose levels to go critical. Use your
> meter to find out which foods work for you. I'm betting that
> there are other things in your pre-diagnosis diet that are
> much more problematic than bananas.
> Cheers, John Carney.

Sleep good! Norm

To email replace nospam with rr

Carl Hunt
Wed, Jan-29-03, 22:32
On Sat, 14 Dec 2002 18:35:15 -0500, April wrote (in message

> I am a type 2 diabetic (diagnosed 1 week ago). I love
> bananas. I probably eat 4-5 a day. Is that too much?? And is
> all fruit and vegetables in produce acceptable or should I
> watch any one of these in particular.
Beats me. I was diagnosed with Type II last wee also. I'm just
beginning to learn. - Cheers- Carl


Nutrition Facts Serving Size 1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long) =
118 g Amount Per Serving Calories 110 Calories from fat 0
Total Fat 0g Saturated Fat 0g Cholesterol 0mg Sodium 0mg
Total Carbohyrate 28g Fiber 3g Protein 1g

"The world is as we are." - Indian Proverb

Wed, Jan-29-03, 22:32
"Carl Hunt Hays III" wrote in message
> On Sat, 14 Dec 2002 18:35:15 -0500, April wrote (in message
> ):
> > I am a type 2 diabetic (diagnosed 1 week ago). I love
> > bananas. I
> > eat 4-5 a day. Is that too much?? And is all fruit and
vegetables in produce
> > acceptable or should I watch any one of these in
> > particular.
> >
> >

What does your meter say? That's the best way to determine
what raises your blood glucose the most.

Most of us T2's find that we have to limit the amount of
carbohydrates in our diet. Bananas, although delicious, are
high in carbohydrate. If you'd like to see what happens when
you eat one, test your bg just before you eat, then at 2 hrs
after the first bite.

The most obvious carbohydrates are those we call sugars and
starches. When it comers to fruit and vegetables, the
sweeter or starchier, the higher the carbohydrate count is
likely to be.

You can get some idea from food lists that give the
percentages, and the Glycaemic Index that shows how much
impact the carbs in some foods have on bg.

Still, there IS a difference in how some things affect
individuals. One person may be able to eat tomatoes, for
example, without any spike, while *I* must limit my intake to
no more than 1/2 a medium tomato at one time. How do I know
that? By using my meter as described. Trial and error.

This is a confusing time for most people, learning about how
different foods affect their blood glucose. The aim is to
reduce such inputs and hopefully keep your bg under better
control (lower and more even).

There are three main strategies.

1. Oral medications and/or insulin. You need to follow your
doctors advice in this regard.

2. Diet. It is better to look at this as a change in your way
of eating and choice of foods, rather than a "diet" with
it's suggestion of deprivation and going hungry. That is
not what this is all about. But it will take flexibility
and a willingness to change, and that's difficult enough -
we are creatures of habit.

3. Exercise. There are two main classes of exercise -
aerobic (walking, cycling, running etc) and anaerobic
(muscle building, working out, lifting weights etc). Both
improve fitness, cardiovascular health and glucose
uptake. There is evidence that it is beneficial for
psychological health as well.

If you haven't yet obtained a meter, do so as soon as you can.
It will be your best friend in managing this disease on a
daily basis. It is like a window into what is happening inside
your blood stream.

There's a lot to learn and take in, but don't worry, you'll
get a good grip on things sooner than you think, and there's
plenty of time. Many here will tell you that they are
healthier now than they have been for years! The dx of
diabetes was a wake up call to take better care of themselves.

Welcome to asd, and all the best for the future.


Loretta Ei
Wed, Jan-29-03, 22:33
Are you testing, I cant even eat a half a banana let alone
four or five a day, Not all fruits and vegetables are created
equal, fruits in the melon and berry family are less dangerous
for me,. I cant do oranges, apples or bananas, Occasionally I
have a quarter of a banana for cereal but it is a no no for
me, YMMV but not for four or five a day,


In tribute to the United States of America and the State of
Israel, two bastions of strength in a world filled with strife
and terrorism.

Wed, Jan-29-03, 22:33
Loretta, my endo told me to test from the first bite as well,
since the minute food hits our mouth, the salvia glands start
to break dwn the enzimes..

Think about it.. food doesn't start processing in your system
when you are done.. hows it to know? it does know however when
we start to eat.. only logical..


"Loretta Eisenberg" wrote in message news-
> Annette I was told to test two hours after finishing the
> meal not after the first bite and I have been doing that
> since diagnosis. 'Where did you get your information and
> what do the majority here do, My a1c is 5 and I always test
> two hours after the meal.
> Loretta
> --
> In tribute to the United States of America and the State of
> Israel, two bastions of strength in a world filled with
> strife and terrorism.

Wed, Jan-29-03, 22:33
Loretta Eisenberg wrote:
> Annette I was told to test two hours after finishing the
> meal not after the first bite and I have been doing that
> since diagnosis. 'Where did you get your information and
> what do the majority here do, My a1c is 5 and I always test
> two hours after the meal.

I've seen this topic discussed before. There's no
clear cut answer. The best best is simply choose one
method, first bite or last, and be consistent.

For what it's worth, I saw a quote from an endo who
conducted research which said he tested his subjects 2
hour after the first bite.

But in real life too many factors come into play. How
fast do you eat? Some meals take longer than others.
And let's not forget that the fat or glycemic index of
the meal delays or hastens BG rises. If you eat a meal
with a lot of fat in it, then you may not peak until
much later than a low fat meal. So picking an
arbitrary amount of time at which to test is not going
to work for every situation.

Unfortunately, with the home test equipment we have,
and the standards the authorities have given us, it's
the best we have to work with. What will be helpful is
when a cheap and effective near-continuous testing
device becomes available. The Glucowatch may be the
first step toward that, but I don't think it's
practical yet.


Hunter Gre
Wed, Jan-29-03, 22:33
On Sun, 26 Jan 2003 16:52:25 GMT, "RK" wrote:

> Loretta, my endo told me to test from the first bite as
> well, since the minute food hits our mouth, the salvia
> glands start to break dwn the enzimes..

Gretchen Becker agrees with this but she also says it doesn't
make that much of a difference as long as you're consistent.
It's only a problem if you test two hours after the start on
one meal, two hours after the end on another meal, then try to
compare the results.

"It is more uplifting to find the beauty, wonder,
spirituality, and reverence in what we can see, than to
imagine they only exist in what we can't see." -
hawthorn@starband.net http://hawthorn.mystarband.net/ [[ Type
2, diagnosed 2002-10-04, last A1c 7.2 on 2002-12-03 ]]

Wed, Jan-29-03, 23:02
On Sun, 26 Jan 2003 16:52:25 GMT, "RK" wrote:
>Loretta, my endo told me to test from the first bite as well,
>since the minute food hits our mouth, the salvia glands start
>to break dwn the enzimes..
>Think about it.. food doesn't start processing in your system
>when you are done.. hows it to know? it does know however
>when we start to eat.. only logical..

Howdy RK,

I think as long as you do one or the other and are consistent
(first bite, last bite), it'll pretty much come out in the
wash. But I have a feeling, that if I were to chew up an
entire meal and spit it out without swallowing, my BG would
not budge much after 1 or 2 hours.

But I think in all fairness, going to one of those long drawn
out dinners, lots of talking between courses, where you might
not get the last bite until an hour later, you'd test after
the last bite, mainly because testing two hours after the
first bite, would only be an hour after the last one.

But then again, I suppose it may depend on the diabetic,
being Type 1 or Type 2. Which then makes me ask, is testing
2 hours after the first/last bite, more important to a Type
1 or a Type 2? How about someone on meds or insulin vs diet
and exercise?

UhOh I feel a experiment coming on!
Terrell T2 DX'd 11/01
11/02 1 yr later, doing great!

Wed, Jan-29-03, 23:02
Of course, for some people (and some meals) the start and end
are only a few minutes apart, so it really wouldn't matter
anyway! bj

"Hunter Green" wrote in message
> On Sun, 26 Jan 2003 16:52:25 GMT, "RK" wrote:
> > Loretta, my endo told me to test from the first bite as
> > well, since the minute food hits our mouth, the salvia
> > glands start to break dwn the enzimes..
> Gretchen Becker agrees with this but she also says it
> doesn't make that much of a difference as long as you're
> consistent. It's only a problem if you test two hours after
> the start on one meal, two hours after the end on another
> meal, then try to compare the results.

Eric Bohlm
Wed, Jan-29-03, 23:02
Hunter Green wrote in

> On Sun, 26 Jan 2003 16:52:25 GMT, "RK" wrote:
>> Loretta, my endo told me to test from the first bite as
>> well, since the minute food hits our mouth, the salvia
>> glands start to break dwn the enzimes..
> Gretchen Becker agrees with this but she also says it
> doesn't make that much of a difference as long as you're
> consistent. It's only a problem if you test two hours after
> the start on one meal, two hours after the end on another
> meal, then try to compare the results.

I tend to agree with that. I think any variation in readings
due to timing from the start or end of a meal is going to be
swamped out by imprecision in meter readings and by individual
variations in the timing of peaks. If you were lucky enough to
get a couple three-day sessions on a CGMS, you could determine
when your peak was likely to occur and then test at that time,
but you probably wouldn't gain much.

Sat, Feb-01-03, 10:04
On Tue, 28 Jan 2003 01:30:28 -0800, BlkBear
cast the following madness into the

>But then again, I suppose it may depend on the diabetic,
>being Type 1 or Type 2. Which then makes me ask, is testing 2
>hours after the first/last bite, more important to a Type 1
>or a Type 2? How about someone on meds or insulin vs diet and
>UhOh I feel a experiment coming on!

as a type 1 on a pump with gastroparesis(have to take
everything into account) I test before the meal, calculate the
carbs I will eat then figure my meal bolus of insulin, then
bolus and eat and then test 2 hours after I finish. For a
regular meal. If the meal is going to be a long one as you
described in your post or I go to a buffet style meal I make
the best guess as to the carbs I will eat and bolus 2/3 of
what I figure I will need. Then I test and make a correction
bolus if I need more insulin or I grab a snack at home or on
the way home if I actually had less carbs than I had figured
on eating. Sounds more complicated than it is. It just
requires me to stay aware of what I'm eating.

Mack Type 1 since 1975 Minimed 508 Insulin Pump
http://www.insulin-pumpers.org http://www.us.zerolimit.net
(irc server webpage for our chat room) #diabeticnet is the
name of our IRC chat on zerolimit.net
http://www.xs4all.nl/~ircle/ <--Ircle Mac IRC software