Senin, 19 Januari 2009

Pisang goreng

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Goreng Pisang.

Pisang Goreng (fried banana in Malay/Indonesian) is a snack food mostly found throughout Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. In Singapore it is known incorrectly as Goreng Pisang (which in Malay means "to fry a banana") instead of Pisang Goreng. It's consumed as snacks in morning and afternoon due to its warm nature in serving. In Indonesia, Pisang Goreng is often sold by street vendors, although some sellers have a storefront from which to sell their wares. Pisang Goreng Pontianak are widely popular in Indonesia and exclusively sold in certain retail outlets.

The Banana is battered and then deep fried. The fritters that result are often sprinkled with a cinnamon sugar and occasionally served with fresh cream[citation needed]. Today's Pisang Goreng are more sophisticated and served in various ways, such as with cheese, jam, or chocolate. Some argue that it's done to increase the image of the food as it's traditionally seen as food for middle and low income consumers.

Plaintain is often used as the batter adds some flavour to the banana. Pisang Raja is a popular kind of banana used for Pisang Goreng.